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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hibernate Architecture

Hibernate Architecture

Hibernate architecture has three main components:
  • Connection Management
  • Transaction management
  • Object relational mapping:

How Hibernate came into existence?

How Hibernate came into existence?

=> Entity Beans of EJB technology were addressing almost all the limitations of direct usage of JDBC in data access layer.
=> Entity beans had two major limitations:
(1) Very bad performance
(2) Very complex to develope
=> Gavinn King developed Hibernate in 2001.
=> In 2003 Hibernate 2.x released.
=> In 2004 industry starts using Hibernate extensively.
=> Most of the Hibernate projects are using Hibernate 3.x.
=> Latest edition of Hibernate is 4.1.2.

What is Hibernate ?

What is Hibernate ?
=> Hibernate is a java persistent framework.
=> Hibernate is a software product to be installed into a computer system in order to use it to build data access layer of Java enterprise application.
=> Hibernate follows ORM approach to build data access layer & performs CRUD operations.
=> Hibernate is one of the ORM implements.
=> Hibernate consist of the followings:
(1) Hibernate API
(2) Hibernate Engine
(3) HQL
(4) DTD (& Schema) for generating mapping files and Annotations to specify mapping.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Apache Ant – Building Simple Java Projects

Ant Tutorial

By using this tutorial you can easily and quickly learn how to use Ant to build  java projects.

Ant Definition

Apache Ant is an open source, cross-platform based build tool that is use XML scripting to build  Java applications. Ant supplies a number of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Java applications. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilot any type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks.

Apache Ant Overview

Ant is developed by Apache Foundation specifically to build projects based on java platform. Ant is an abbreviation forAnother Neat Tool.

A Java build process typically includes:
  • the compilation of the Java source code into Java Bytecode
  • creation of the .jar file for the distribution
  • creation of the Documentation
Ant uses anXMLfile for its configuration. You can’t give any name to this file, this file is usually calledbuild.xmlIt builds are based on three blocks: taskstargets and extension points .
A task is a individual work like compile source code or creating Javadoc. More than one task can be combine to form a group called targets.
A target can be directly invoked via Ant. Targets can specify their dependencies  using “depends” attribute. Ant tool will automatically execute dependent targets.
For example if target Run depends on Compile, than Ant will first perform Compile and then Run.
<target name="compile">
<target name="run" depends="compile">
In yourbuild.xmlfile you can specify the default target. Ant will execute this target, if no explicit target is specified.

History of Ant

The development of Ant technology originated as an integral component of Tomcat application server based on Java Servlet and Java Server Faces. Ant, as a part of Apache Jakarta Project is an open source solution based on java platform.  Ant used as a major tool in building java projects and now it has become a top-level Apache project for server-side solutions. The latest release of Ant is version 1.8.4.
Introduction to Apache Ant (Another Neat Tool)
Ant is an open source build technology developed by Apache intended to build processes in Java environment. Ant is based on XML and uses java classes in automatic generation of build processes that makes it platform independent. It is applicable to any integrated development environment (IDE) that uses java. A build file is generally named asbuild.xml (can’t be other than build.xml).
The best features of the Ant technology can be summarized as below -
  • · Easy to Use: As it is an XML based scripting tool, therefore easy to understand and implement.
  • · Portable and Cross-platform based:  it can be run on any operating system.
  • · Extended Functionality:  It is easier to implement than any specific IDE because it is automated and ubiquitous.
  • · Build Automation: Ant provides automated build processes that is faster and more efficient than manual procedures and other build tools can also be integrated with it.
  • · Compilation of Source Code: Ant can use and compile source code from a variety of version controls and packaging of the compiled code and resources can also be done.
  • · Handling Dependencies between Targets: An Ant Project describes the target and tasks associated with it and also handles dependencies between various targets and tasks.